Feb 10, 2023Liked by Miranda Vidak

Great article 👏

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I always loved Pam, but my respect and admiration skyrocketed since she started being a vocal defender of Julian Assange. However, all the texts that have been written about her so far focus on either her sexappeal (undoubted), her (tumulous) marriage to Tommy Lee, or her activism, especially political activism, and I love how this text is refreshing and focuses on her pure heart. Nobody ever writes about Pamela Andreson and her kindheartedness that simply radiates. Kudos!

Another topic I loved in this text is: new women in our ex's lives. I've been thinking a lot about that topic myself (far from being in iconic globally popular relationships, but we all have our own universe). There is almost no new girl/wife/woman dating/married to one of my exes who didn't make them block me on Instagram, remove me from Facebook, delete my number, stop wishing me happy birthday, or New Year, or even greet me on the street. To avoid confusion, I will refer to new women as "new girls" (age-appropriate term), and our exes will be "Tommies." I oftentimes see my Tommy crossing to the other side of the street or staring at their phones - just so they don't get into a situation where they have to say *Hi to me.

There is really some jealousy or rather fear that I might want to "go back for that Tommy, to steal them". And as Miranda writes - "Makes no sense to me, because if I wanted to stay with him, she wouldn't be there". And the ex, "Tommy", as a rule, is now old, fat, and really doesn't look like anything remotely attractive (I m not saying here Tommy Lee is not attractive, just my Tommies are). It's as if these new girls fatten and destroy them on purpose to reduce any chance of Tommy cheating? Like, why would I want that guy -- I dumped him in his prime; you are dating him when he looks the way he does?!

But then it hit me that the insecurity of the new girls does not come from jealousy of how we look (as a rule, we are always better looking than the ones after us) or fear that we can steal Tommy back. The new girls are actually jealous of the time, all those moments, and the fun WE had with them, or more precisely, Tommy had with US. The new girls know that the laugh Tommy had with us was sincere, love was deep, sex was better, and Tommy had more fun with us. And every mention of our name brings Tommy back memories of those "better days ." The new girl will never be able to measure up to that! As if our presence reminds Tommy that we are the ones who got away and that the new girl is the replacement. The new girl is a Twingo because Tommy, back then, was incapable of driving the Ferrari, respecting the fact he has a Ferarri, maintaining a Ferrari. Our presence reminds Tommies of their prime and the best fun they had in their lives. And in the case of real Tommy (Lee), Pamela is a reminiscence of the '90s"! Try to compete with that, Brittany :)

Man, this text just made me rush and watch that Pam's Netflix documentary and read her memoir Love, Pamela. Miranda, as always - delivers!

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I cheer for him to get out and see what Pam + Julian would look like, instead of Pam + Tommy Lee. I want to see that power house in play

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