Many have categorized this summer as—weird, out of the ordinary, passing by too quickly, or just plain bad. Fret not, it can actually work in our favor.
"The post-summer time when I stayed somewhere for too long jeopardized the stability of my regular life." this one totally resonates with me!
I feel that only people born and raised somewhere and then moved to the USA can have this feeling of basically having 2 homes, 2 personalities. 2 everything. It's this type of trans-Atlantic schizophrenia where you are, and you are not; you exist, and you don't. Every trip to visit my family & friends in Europe looks like I moved BACK to Europe when I go back to the things and people I love, and when it's time to fly back, I feel uprooted, yet again. The sense of belonging, and not belonging. The sense of absolute confusion and who the heck I am? An immigrant in the USA or someone on a multi-year trip to the USA who will return to Europe?
For us Europeans, going back to Europe is not traveling (I mean, shame on your American ex, good he's an ex :D ); it's going back to find that missing piece we lack while in the USA. What place do I call home? Usually both.
but back to the actual point of this article - We all need that "Beige Summer" sometimes. To recharge, restart, reboot, reflect, recenter.
And we can do it only in silence, when we remove the noise and stay alone. No distractions, no magical summers in Europe.
A great, great piece of writing!
"The post-summer time when I stayed somewhere for too long jeopardized the stability of my regular life." this one totally resonates with me!
I feel that only people born and raised somewhere and then moved to the USA can have this feeling of basically having 2 homes, 2 personalities. 2 everything. It's this type of trans-Atlantic schizophrenia where you are, and you are not; you exist, and you don't. Every trip to visit my family & friends in Europe looks like I moved BACK to Europe when I go back to the things and people I love, and when it's time to fly back, I feel uprooted, yet again. The sense of belonging, and not belonging. The sense of absolute confusion and who the heck I am? An immigrant in the USA or someone on a multi-year trip to the USA who will return to Europe?
For us Europeans, going back to Europe is not traveling (I mean, shame on your American ex, good he's an ex :D ); it's going back to find that missing piece we lack while in the USA. What place do I call home? Usually both.
but back to the actual point of this article - We all need that "Beige Summer" sometimes. To recharge, restart, reboot, reflect, recenter.
And we can do it only in silence, when we remove the noise and stay alone. No distractions, no magical summers in Europe.
Keep these babies coming! They rock the house, and the soul, every time!!!!
Your soul is what I'm aiming for, every time x
Good one, very relatable... Love your writing, keep on with the good work.
Waiting to hear about your "cruel" summer! Like the song, Cruel Cruel Summer?